To improve flexibility and mobility, athletes and active individuals often rely on several forms of stretching.
These involve lengthening or flexing a muscle or tendon to promote enhanced elasticity.
One method is active stretching, in which your own muscles are used to provide resistant pull, and this creates the stretch.
This article will detail active stretching, how it differs from other forms of stretching, and how to perform it.
Active stretching is a method of improving flexibility. It involves active contracting of one muscle (the agonist) as a way to stretch an opposing muscle (the antagonist), with no external force.
Active stretching is also often referred to as static active stretching — which means nonmoving — because the end position of the stretch is held for a set amount of time.
But instead of holding your stretch using a prop, such as a strap or band, you’re simply holding the stretch with other muscles. This is why it’s called static active stretching.
These stretches are commonly held for 10–15 seconds. Any longer tends to be quite difficult.
One example of active stretching is lying on your back on the floor and lifting a straight leg to the ceiling until you feel your hamstring stretch.
Holding that position without a strap requires active work from your hip flexors and core to keep your leg in the air, while your hamstrings — the muscles on the opposite side of the hip joint — are statically stretching.
This method of stretching is often performed after exercise, as some studies suggest a potential decrease in muscle strength and power when performing static stretching before a workout (1, 2).
If you practice yoga, you’re familiar with active stretching. Holding yoga poses requires strength in certain muscles while other, opposing muscles are being stretched.
SummaryActive stretching is a method of improving flexibility, where strategically contracting your own muscles provides the pull needed to stretch opposing muscle groups.
When it comes to stretching, numerous methods generally serve a similar function, though they differ slightly in execution.
So, it helps to distinguish which type of stretching is best for your goals. Here’s an overview of a few different types:
While active stretching focuses on using one muscle group to stretch another, passive stretching uses an external force to provide the pull for the stretch.
The resistance pull can either be provided by another part of your body, by a partner, or by an object.
Similar to active stretching, you hold the position for a period of time.
Passive stretching is often utilized during recovery from exercise to relax your muscles and connective tissue.
Dynamic stretching is a movement-based method of stretching in which a given body part is moved with control through its full range of motion — though not beyond it.
These movements are often sport–specific and performed prior to a training session as a warmup.
Some common examples include leg swings and shoulder circles.
Ballistic stretching is similar to dynamic stretching in that it’s movement-based. Instead of moving a body part to the end of its range of motion, however, you attempt to go beyond this range.
These stretches often require uncontrolled movements that may result in injury. That’s why this method of stretching is generally not recommended for most people.
SummaryWhile active stretching may seem similar to other methods, it differs in that the pull of resistance is provided by your own muscles. It’s commonly utilized after exercise to promote recovery.
Active stretching is quite simple to execute, though certain positions may take some practice.
This form of stretching is most often performed following exercise, as part of a mobility workout, or incorporated into a yoga session.
Considering that active stretching doesn’t require any special equipment, it can be performed virtually anywhere. Here’s how:
Active stretching is performed by contracting the agonist muscle opposite of the muscle being stretched for approximately 10 seconds, until a stretching sensation is felt.
Each of the four stretches below include information about the agonist muscle (which is the muscle doing the work) and the antagonist muscle (which is the muscle being stretched).
Active stretching is a method of enhancing flexibility. In it, your own muscles provide resistance to stretch another muscle.
It’s performed by flexing a muscle opposite the target muscle and holding this position for about 10 seconds, until a slight stretch is felt.
This stretching method can be an excellent addition to a workout routine or performed on its own to improve flexibility.
If you have a preexisting injury, it’s best to seek the guidance of a physiotherapist when implementing an active stretching routine.